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Earth Science Units

  NOTE: Unit Test dates below are only estimates.

1) Mapping our World                                            Unit Test:  10/4
Text Chapter #2   Review Bk Chapter #1    
a) How is latitude, longitude and time zones related to Earth in space?
b) How can places on Earth be determined?
c) How are surface features of the Earth mapped?

2) Rocks & Minerals                                             Unit Test:  10/25
Text Chapters #4-6   Review Bk Chapter #2        
a) What is the Earth made of?
b) How does igneous rock form?
c) How does sedimentary rock form?
d) What are metamorphic rocks?
e) How can rocks change form?

3) Weathering, Erosion & Deposition                     Unit Test:  12/4
Text Chapters #7-10   Review Bk Chapter #4
a) How does the environment affect Earth’s crust?
b) What are the products of weathering?
c) How are the products of weathering eroded?
d) How are eroded materials deposited?
e) How do weathering, erosion and deposition shape the Earth’s surface?

4) The Dynamic Crust                                    Unit Test:  1/22
Text Chapters #17-20   Review Bk Chapter #3      
a) What causes earthquakes to occur?
b) Why do earthquakes only occur in certain areas?
c) What evidence suggests that the Earth’s crust is always moving?

MIDTERM EXAM  TBA in class during the week of 1/26

5) Earth History                                                Unit Test:  2/26
Text Chapters #21-24   Review Bk Chapter #6      
a) How can the order of geologic events be determined?
b) How can rocks and geologic events in one place be matched to another?
c) How can the Earth’s geologic history be sequenced from the fossil and rock record?
d) How can the absolute date of a rock be determined?
e) How can the rock record and fossil evidence reveal changes in past life and ancient environments?

6) Meteorology                                                  Unit Test: 3/23
Text Chapters #11-13   Review Bk Chapters #7 & 8       
a) What are the relationships among the various weather conditions?
b) What information is shown by weather maps?
c) How can weather information be used to make forecasts?
d) How do clouds and precipitation form?
e) Where and how are the most hazardous weather situations likely to happen?

7) Hydrology                                                            Unit Test:  4/7
Text Chapter #14   Review Bk Chapter #9
a) Where does water come from?
b) What factors determine the amount of solar energy an area receives?

8) Climate                                                              Unit Test:  5/4
Text Chapter #14   Review Bk Chapter #9
a) What factors determine the climate of an area?

9) Planet Motions                                                       Unit Test:  6/6
Text Chapters #28-29   Review Bk Chapter #10       
a) How does a rotating sphere model daily celestial observations?
b) How does a revolving sphere, with a tilted axis, model yearly celestial observations?
c) What force keeps the planets and their moons in an orderly system?
d) What is Earth’s place in the Universe?

10) Cosmology                                                  
Text Chapters #30-31   Review Bk Chapter #11       
a) What are the theories for the formation of the Universe?
b) How do stars form?
c) How did our solar system form?
d) What do we know and understand about asteroids, comets, and meteors?
   2016  Earth Science REGENTS EXAM  June 17 (8:00am)


Earth Science Units

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